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Location: United States

I'm a woman who is considering emigration from the USA to Israel. I'm not Jewish, but have enough of a Jewish background to be allowed under the Israeli Law of Return. I am a zionist, but sadly, as a child my main understanding about my family's background was being taught by my grandfather about the Holocaust, and that these were "my people." I wasn't raised with any cultural or religious traditions other than regular American ones. BTW, my real name is not Yaakova--I made the name up. (But I must say, it has a nice ring to it!)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

It's Decided: I'm Building a Sukkah!

If you think I'm crazy, you're in good company.

My pets are going to think I'm completely off my rocker, but then again they're used to my odd behavior.

My mother, who is coming here this coming Monday, will once again ask me if I'd like to consider conversion.

My friends will think it's too much work for a high-maintenance person like me. Actually, I'm pretty darn handy. I can wield an electric screwdriver just fine, thank you!

It's been decided. I'm going to Home Depot today to buy the supplies.
Why build it, you ask? Several reasons. First of all, it's a Biblical commandment. Granted, it's for Jewish people, but I do have a bit of Jewish in me, so why not?? And as a Christian, I partake of that spiritual heritage as well. Also, it just sounds like fun! It's a great time of year for outdoor dining, and I just pruned my palm trees last week. So I already have the roof ready to go. Lastly, I've seen pictures of tons of sukkahs lining the streets in Israel, and I figure if I plan to live there, I should acquaint myself with the customs.

Here's the plan: (an engineering feat it's not!! I just hope it won't fall down on me!)
Use four 8' 2x4's for the vertical part.
Use two 8' 2x4's and two 4' 2x4's for the horizontal top part.
Connect the parts by screwing 3 corner brackets into each union.
Then I'll put the palm fronds on top, decorate it, and put my patio table under it. Voila!!

My only concern is how to prop the parts up in the final stages. I guess it could built upside-down and someone could help me flip it over. (John, perhaps??)

Any and all advice is welcome! This will definitely provide me with the motivation to use my digital camera!!


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